By anon - 12/10/2010 21:52 - United States

Today, I fainted because of a condition I have. My husband, who was standing right there, failed to catch me because he didn't want to drop his yogurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 190
You deserved it 4 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deformedsurf 0

Men shouldn't be eating yogurt anyway. He should be eating platefuls of bacon. That's the only excuse to let you fall, massive amounts of bacon!


sourgirl101 28

Was it the one that has the fruit on the bottom? Blueberry is the best!

Blueberry AND strawberry together is the best.

mintcar 9

NO! Blackberry and pomegranate flavored yogurt is the best. :)

goldiefox 0

well it could of been good yogurt but still if he's going to get married he needs to be ready to drop what he's doing and get off his lazy ass! I still find it funny. but wait if you fainted how do you know he didn't help you up?

sallen0046 4

He's your husband, not your nurse. If he had time to spot you going down and chose not to take actions to prevent it, you most likely had time to sit down.

Conditions that cause you to faint/pass out are big deals. They are scary and much more important that yogurt. You don have time to sit down or even think because it happens rapidly. OP's husband should have have caught her, to a) to make sure she doesn't fall to hard and get injured and b) because it's usually a spouse's job to make sure there partner is okay. When people pass out with these conditions, they don't know it until they wake up, and they often go into shock after. If no one catches them, they can fall, hit something, and even cause some injuries. I know this from experience. I have a condition, like OP, that causes me to pass out, and it's always unexpected and scary.

Stop fainting and this will never happen

And to #43- he wasnt the one on the ground so she should get off her lazy ass

goldiefox 0

but she was the one who fainted. you know you can get seriously injured from fainting! what kind of heart do you people have?!

SleepyHead34 0

haha this "FML" actually made me laugh nice husband u got thr bwhahah (sarcasm btw) xD

YDI For being ignorant enough to not realize you're about to faint. A normal person would get dizzy and nauseatic. Drama Kitteh, sheesh...

They have a condition you ****. They don't know when it's going to happen