By nullpointer - 03/08/2016 04:38 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I farted so loud that my cat thought that I was growling at him, and bit me in self-defense. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 809
You deserved it 1 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did your cat think you were growling, or did your fart destroy his little cat nose, and he bit you in retaliation?

Steve95401 49

The cat might rip his schlong to shreds in retaliation.


thank you OP, you made me laugh! I love cats, and it probably was all of it together, the growling sound and the stench, cats have a sense of smell that is thousands of times more accurate than the human one, typical cat love, sharing the pain hahahahaaaa, cats are great

did he break the skin is it a puncture wound if he gave you a puncture wound then you need to see a doctor immediately cat bites are really dangerous

takeittoem 8

It must be incredible, being able to read the thoughts of your pets like that....

It really isn't difficult at all. I've had full conversations with all of my dogs.