By Faxshadow - 07/01/2009 17:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I fell in love with a girl who used to love me. She doesn't anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 653
You deserved it 19 452

Same thing different taste

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I can relate.. I ended up dumping my long time best friend/boyfriend/lover, only to find out 6 months later I loved him dearly. Fortunately I don't have an "FML" because he gave me one last chance- and we're happier than ever now. Hope things work out. :(

I fell back in love with my ex that I broke up with. It was only supposed to be a short breakup, so I could find myself, and at the time he loved me dearly - now I'm just some bitch.


Your fault. Shoulda loved her when she loved you.

I've been in the same shit. Its your fault!

miamiheat244 0

Same situation here bro. It really sucks

wow that really sucks but you should tell her how you feel you never know what might happen -- smile in the rain it takes away the pain

same here. Already told everything I fell about this, and still trying.

same thing happened to me. I've been waiting for her to become single for over a year, today i found out she was no longer interested.

same thing happened to me. i was madly in love with this guy. we were apparently "dating", then he moves away n tells me it wont work, so it took me 6 months to get over him and be happy all over again, when he tells me that he's madly in love with me and he cant live without me and that he wants me back. n he became all freaky n stalkerish! FHL coz i was already (and still am) dating the most awesome guy ever!

same here, I hated this girl last year, but now I really like her and she hates my gut