By Faxshadow - 07/01/2009 17:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I fell in love with a girl who used to love me. She doesn't anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 653
You deserved it 19 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can relate.. I ended up dumping my long time best friend/boyfriend/lover, only to find out 6 months later I loved him dearly. Fortunately I don't have an "FML" because he gave me one last chance- and we're happier than ever now. Hope things work out. :(

I fell back in love with my ex that I broke up with. It was only supposed to be a short breakup, so I could find myself, and at the time he loved me dearly - now I'm just some bitch.


snowman420 0
MexicanTexasQtt 9

In my opinion he did deserve it, he didn't want her when she wanted him, and he lost her. Because she finally moved on.

Wow your just a little to late! Sorry :(

25shark 5
pedosmurf 7

Uh yes you do it's ****** up if your like no then you come back saying I love you

udeserveditbro69 0

I know how you feel. That happend to me this month. She loved me but I didn't known at the time. She now has a boyfriend. Who she loves more than anything. Including me.

Better to have loved and lost t........ That shit is not real.

pippacrawford 4

Been there, done that. Still haven't learned my lesson :/ Hope everything worked out for you OP