By Anonymous - 28/11/2009 22:23 - United States

Today, I felt fairly depressed about being single for the holidays during work. This cute girl came to my register asking about our sales ad. After telling her we had no copies, she asked for my number. I shouted: "Finally, someone wants to go out with me." She wanted the store's number to call. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 126
You deserved it 49 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heroesrule99 0

Why the hell would you shout that out? Loser

Even if she DID want your personal number to go out with you, yelling that out isn't the classiest move to make... and probably would have freaked her out a little.


Cutiejojopie 0

Don't worry I'm single for the holidays too lol

aboutagirl_17 0

ehh that sucks :| but why would anyone care if your single or together for christmas you have FAMILY(: aha

o0HonestlyNow0o 0

YDI for letting the world know how lonely you are.

ahahaha classic "What?!?! You like me! GOOD cause no one else does AND I'M SO DESPERATE!!!" In my head, when you do this, you have your face raised to the heavens, arms out and fists clenched. Screamed at the top of your lungs like a pubescent fan boy falling short of Leonidas, the finally is drawn out as is the me, and its slightly ascending in tone. Oh. and your wearing a red vest and one of those fuggin retarded elf hats. And the ears. Btw. #18 what fuggin business hires autistic, or any mentally challenged person, to a direct customer interaction position. Turrets...maybe, but he didn't scream **** ass, now did he?

send an email to [email protected] if you want an invitation to, a site where you can get free stuff like game systems, itouch, ipods. ect. NO BULLSHIT

Sorry, the site messed up, was gonna reply to someone else

They way it was worded is a fail, "After telling her we had no copies, she asked for my number." This clearly states that she was asking for "HIS" number. Unless he worded it wrong, which he probably did, is a fail worth considering. FYL!

She probably did want your number till you started shouting about never being asked out...

YDI for shouting that out to the store. And for assuming she meant YOUR number. You're a ******* sales clerk, not a speed dating participant.

Raymab67 0

Oi why is everyone so mean to people and especially that guy?? Like for some people they are really lonely and stuff so when a girl ask then for there number they'd think there asking him out not for the store number. Also why insult people because they use word like "u" and "h8" like what is this site called people ?? FML In the end im awesome bruh, laters ;P