By supertango500 - 11/03/2013 18:56 - United States

Today, I figured I needed to clean my room. I ended up finding my $135 calculator that I'd accused my ex-boyfriend of selling for gas money. That's also the reason I dumped him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 082
You deserved it 76 292

Same thing different taste


countryrose92 23

I don't think u dumped him just for that. If he was important u woulda kept him around. Apologize for accusing him but stay broken up

your boyfriend is a lucky bastard without you!

Looks like somebody had a major miscalculation

Broke up with someone for a stupid calculator. Who would spend 135$ on spmething like that so small you can lose it. I hope you feel bad about how much you ruin you're relationship. Relationship is trust,loyal and patient. You clearly don't know a thing about it OP

If I were your ex and you told me you found your calculator I'd laugh for ages

westboundcali 13

That's why you need evidence if you're gonna accuse someone of something.

Enjoy jumping to conclusions, do you?

why would u spend that much on a calcultor?