By supertango500 - 11/03/2013 18:56 - United States

Today, I figured I needed to clean my room. I ended up finding my $135 calculator that I'd accused my ex-boyfriend of selling for gas money. That's also the reason I dumped him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 082
You deserved it 76 292

Same thing different taste


I can see her ex-boyfriend writing an FML about this.

The_9th_Doctor 18

Why would you spend 135 dollars on a calculator

Well when you get past elementary school math and into Algebra, Trig, and Calculus, you need a graphing calculator to solve equations and graph complicated formulas. It's required for advanced math.

ninja_darkstar 6

Why the hell would you expect sympathy for this you self centered ho bag

You should clean your room more often..

... You broke up over a calculator? I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

go and apologise. marry him for he didnt hurt u for such lame accusation.