By Al - 13/06/2016 15:37 - Australia - Turramurra

Today, I walked into pawn shop and found a nice laptop which I inspected after I thought I lost mine months ago. Turns out my ex pawned it after having it at her place all this time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 322
You deserved it 1 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know how spouses who have been together a while sometimes renew their vows? It might be worth calling up your ex and renewing your breakup.

Wow, that must really suck. And there isn't a way to somehow prove you were the owner or something ?


Don't worry, I'll believe you, #1. As odd as it seems, I too think theft is illegal.

It's not. It doesn't sound like OP reported it stolen or missing to the police. He left it at an ex for months with out retrieving it, there for abandoning it.

#13, Pawning something that you know is someone else's, whether they forgot it at your place or not, is most definitely illegal and also extremely spiteful.

You know how spouses who have been together a while sometimes renew their vows? It might be worth calling up your ex and renewing your breakup.

Wow, that must really suck. And there isn't a way to somehow prove you were the owner or something ?

But did you ask her if it was at her place or not at all? Because if the first is true fyl. If the second, again fyl for having a shitty ex.

Yay! Now all you have to do is buy your own laptop back! :D

RusticChick 27

Look at the bright side, OP.... YOU found it before someone else did. That's some great luck!

thats why you keep the serial number somewhere

That's called theft. Report this to the police. The pawnshop keeps records of customers. If you can prove it is your laptop and she essentially stole it, she's in big trouble.

Problem is she didn't "essentially steal it" he "essentially" abandoned it by leaving it there for months without retrieving it. With out OP reporting it stolen no crime was committed.

NereidAlbel 14

"Thought lost" means he didn't CHOOSE to leave it there, and she may have hidden it from him.

Even if it was wiped, it is probably recoverable, but yeah, there unless he has solid proof she can just say he ignored her trying to return it or it was a gift or something.

IcyDarcy 10

The police won't do anything. OP never reported the laptop as stolen or even lost, there's no proof he didn't know what happened to it. The girl could easily say he asked her to pawn it or he gave it to her as a gift, and that he's now trying to get her in trouble because he's mad about the breakup... So, I'm going with YDI on that one because I can't understand why OP didn't care for months. A laptop isn't like keys or a phone, you don't "lose" it like that.

If you can prove it's yours the pawn shop has to give it back to you and your ex can be charged.

Well bro next time be more careful with your stuffs.