By vee2013 - 26/04/2014 04:22 - Canada - London

Today, I finally decided to do something productive and clean my room. When I went to pick up the first thing off my floor, I hit my head on my desk and gave myself a concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 208
You deserved it 6 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wish I had such excuses against cleaning my room... Or was this your plan all along? Cunning, I like it!


That's why it's not safe to do and should be regulated by the government if you live in USA. Like they do with everything else. Like reading this post

mikaellikestacos 14

cleaning kills just like books

"Cleaning never killed anybody, but why take a chance?"

Safety first. Next time when you "attempt" to clean your room wear a helmet, maybe even add some knee and elbow pads to that?

Your subconscious is so lazy that it gave you another reason to procrastinate.

ouch serves you right for not noticing your surroundings. Better luck next time.:)