By Anonymous - 05/11/2009 22:14 - United States

Today, I finally finished my art project, which was worth 50% of my quarterly grade. I came in first period to give it to my professor. When she turned to look at it, her elbow hit her coffee and spilled it all over the canvas. I got 60%. She said I would have had a 100%, except for the giant coffee stain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 655
You deserved it 3 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bud_fml 16

Complain to the school You failbecausez she's uncoordinated? Not right

tell her to give you a hundred or you'll report her for vandalism


I would seriously consider getting her fired, that sucks big time and she cant do that.

You need to go to Academic Advising and tell them you need to contest a mark. Go to the head of the department, the dean, everybody until you get this sorted out. She probably can't get fired for this -often professors can't get fired unless they do something really bad- but she will have to give you a higher grade. I hate some art teachers. They mark by if they like the style of art. :(

beat the shit outta that clumsy bitch...then spill hot coffee on her face and scream 'fail!!!!!!!!!'

u shoulds cussed out ur teacher n make a big scene so she should get fired if i were u i would yell and bother my teacher until i got my grade

lillywilly 0

she's a bitch! You should hunt her down :)

You deserve the bad grade. A good artist would have been able to instantly come up with some BS explanation as to how the coffee stain was part of the concept.

fdeg4161 13

#169- You're a damned idiot. That really sucks, btw.

Why do people post stupid shit like this? If something like that happens you tell her SHE is hte one who poured her coffee on it and if your grade doesn't change you go to the department head. You don't accept that stuff. I wear you people are a bunch of pansy assed idiots

I actually literally do not believe this story. It's not possible. There's no way in hell she docked your assignment for a flaw she created. Didn't happen.