By concom - 27/05/2015 19:40 - Cyprus

Today, I finally found my watch after weeks searching for it. It was on my teacher's wrist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 676
You deserved it 2 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pstraka6 20

Make sure it's the exact same watch first before making an accusation and then report the jerk!


Were you messing around with it during class and he took it?

if that happened to me... probably because my teacher gives me oily handjobs every Thursday in the locker room.

Thermite his engine block. Full scale retaliation.

Stealing from a student... Pretty low. Even for teachers.

purplegold 19

"finders keepers" is real

TreyA 10

The problem with this is unless there's some sort of stand out factor that you can name such as a message on the back or something of that nature. Then it's your word against his. And even if you are an A+ all around student with no bad history the likely hood of getting the watch back on your say so is slim. Possible? Sure, but unlikely. You might have to bring in parents. Because at the same time it's easy for you to describe a watch your teacher has been wearing "All Year" so good luck.

One time I found my teacher drinking out of the water bottle I had lost. It had the same stickers and everything so it was definitely mine. I was more confused than angry though...