By generic_name123 - 09/03/2015 13:55 - United States - Washington

Today, I finally got the girl of my dreams' phone number. After texting her "Hey, is this Stephanie?" I got response saying "Sorry bro, I know how you feel, she did the same thing to me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 623
You deserved it 3 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She seems like a horrible person. Just saying.

It sounds like she gave him the number of the last guy who asked for her number. Evil, but genius


You got her number and then asked who she was? Did she give you the number?

I think that OP just wanted to make sure that she wasn't giving him a fake number (which she was).

ouijacorn 9

She needs to learn how to say no like an adult, but I hope that you will be the bigger person and accept this rejection gracefully.

oh my gosh I absolutely hate girls like that. stuck up bitches.

That's hurts, ouch. I felt that. Plenty of fish lad.

Maybe she really didn't want to give you her number, and you were extremely persistent. No one is obligated to give anyone a chance.

Wait she gave you the number of some guy that asked for her number also but gave him yet another guy's number? Number-ception...

"Finally"? How long have you been asking...?

"Finally" doesn't have to mean he had asked multiple times, it could mean he has wanted it for a while and just got the courage to ask her and finally get the number from her?

Honestly, bro code. He knows the feels. You probably just made a good friend.