By goodbye - 09/03/2009 00:45 - Canada
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Most of the people leaving comments here have no clue what they are talking about. I can relate to this story far too well. I had a major crush on a girl for several months a while back thinking she was a guy. Luckily I found the truth out before making a fool of myself.
#59, you're an idiot.
What the **** #5.
aww that ****** sucks man
k how did you know she was a guy... or how did you not know that!?? wasnt it obvious she-he or whatever it is... wasnt a girl? i mean how do you miss that?? oh and btw that sucks.. sorry :(
this is so funny i LOLd... and then i read ohmygolly's limerick and LOLd again. And for all the ppl saying "how did you not know", androgeny is an increasingly popular style... I remember years ago having to convince my brother's hetro friend that "that hot chick Taylor" was actually the middle BROTHER of the Hanson band. I had to show him a magazine article to prove it in the end.
haha, thats sad, it reminds me of this chick in my math class, i thought she was a guy for like 8 months
You know I'm in love with this chick Because it seems we really click There's no room for doubt I think I'll ask her out Wait... did you say she has a dick?
oooh, tough break. The last four girls I've asked out told me they only like girls. Keep swinging.