By cloudish - 21/05/2017 12:00 - Germany

Today, I finally had the guts to tell my best friend that I like him more than just as a friend. I was about to tell him when he excitedly told me that he met the love of his life yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 085
You deserved it 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How could he possibly know that they're the love of his life? If me met them yesterday he must barely know them. It makes me cringe when people say that love at first sight is a thing

Love of life...yesterday...does not compute...


mariri9206 32

*Teardrops on my Guitar plays in the background* Sorry, OP. That really sucks. Hopefully you get over him soon.

Don't do it! Its a trap. I told my bestfriend and we ended up dating, then he left telling me he didn't love me and I lost not only my partner, but my bestfriend as well. It's a different kind of hurt when you lose two people in one.

You're talking as if you won't meet someone else. You will bounce back.

Good for him that he met someone. Do not tell him if you think it will make him date you. And do not do anything to ruin what he is trying to develop with this person. Just keep it to yourself and do happy for him. And who is to say he would even date you? Just because you love him doesn't mean he loves you back. Just stay friends and move on.

Ascendanthive 9

Sorry op, that's happened to me too it hurts like hell!