By Anonymous - 09/05/2010 16:29 - United Kingdom

By Anonymous - 09/05/2010 16:29 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 05:02 - United States
By cek4uytp - 25/06/2011 06:02 - United States
By MandMandM - 19/07/2010 06:38 - United States
By T___T - 12/09/2015 01:54 - United States - Cleveland
By Thankshun - 04/03/2013 23:03 - United States
By TheTruthofWomen - 04/11/2013 05:45 - United States
By painedandpissed - 10/08/2014 16:42 - United States - Los Angeles
By Anonymous - 21/11/2010 14:49 - United States
By Carrie G. - 27/07/2012 00:46 - United States - Holland
By worried - 01/04/2010 08:28 - Ireland
geez what a retard and hés 20
wow i would dump that fool for not knowing anything about a womans body, hes a grown man!....does he even know how babies are made?? WTF
exactly what 7 said. hahahah. he's a retard. has he never had any sisters, a mom, or q girlfriend before?
just squirt a little on his face, show him how it works. the best lessons in life are hands on.
I dated a guy who knew vaguely about periods, but not why or how it happened. He was 18 at the time. He had also been home schooled up until our Junior year of high school. It doesn't seem too far-fetched to me for a guy to not know anything v
I just learned something.
I'd like to attend this seminar as well cos apparently I've been breaking some rules.
I agree with #4... HE should be embarassed... not you. and maybe he should go back to 6th grade...
comment disappeared... boyfriend's an idiot, or simply brought up as VERY innocent. makes you think he doesn't know much. he should be embarrased? nah
is he trying to act cute ?
wow, your boyfriend's reallyy...dumb.
26, agree. My last gf was glad to hear me say, "Let's just put a towel down."
Jimmy! I'm being stalked again!
#7 how do u no she's twelve. just because she's having a period doesn't mean it's the first one she's gotten
I bet you if you used visual teaching methods too, he'll never forget your lesson.
48- yes im taking AP biology and if i do remember correctly it's safe to have unprotected sex a couple days before a female's menstrual cycle, in case any sperm is close to reaching the egg, the menstrual cycle will have disposed of the egg meaning that the sperm won't be able to penetrate the egg. so by the week after a woman's period she begins to ovulate releasing the old egg and creating a new one i guess making it easier for her to get pregnant. well at least i think this is how it goes
Dungeons and Dragons is that awesome (:
OP is retarded. Nothing can happen? My fiancé has no problems laying a towel down. ;)
lol me and my friends try to guess when a girls on her period then mess with them. were 13. thts really sad was he like sheltered/homeschooled/retarded?
77 - When a woman ovulates, she is releasing a NEW egg from the ovary. it needs to be fertilized while is going down the Fallopian tube, otherwise it fails to implant in the Uterine lining and will cease to remain potent. This takes place within one day. therefore, there is only one day in which a woman can actually become pregnant. Sperm, however, can survive in the Uterus for up to 3 days, making it risky to have unprotected sex the week you ovulate, due to it being nigh impossible to predict the release of an egg and plan intercourse accordingly. There are a lot of physical signs as to ovulation that could be used, but most women are unaware of them as being such, because it's pretty much what makes them want sex. When you begin menstruating, the Uterine lining and unfertilized egg are disposed of. Ovulation also does not always occur two weeks after finishing menstruating. it depends on the woman. Fun fact: A woman is born with all the eggs she will ever release, unlike men, who continually create new sperm. (: If you really took AP Biology, pay more attention. (Granted, I learned this in Health class and Worth The Wait seminars in my basic science classes in middle school, so maybe you should just pay more attention in general.)
People from all over make fun of the US. They say we're closed minded & arrogant. At least we are taught proper sex ed. o.o
In Germany you start sex ed in second grade.
Sex on a girls period is good, why can "nothing happen"?
Easy ladies, a mans understanding of metapause is on par with his understanding of astro physics, give the poor guy a break
44 gtfo you conceited ass. no one gives a shit if you're dating. especially if you're comunicating on FML.
op would you rather him have slept with so many other women before in his lifetime? you should be happy he's pure and innocent, unless girls have no value of chastity.
The guy doesn't know what a period is. But he knows about sex? Kinda stupid idk I'm just sayin.
@#137: because they can get pregant. :) So unless that's the plan, it's courteous to have a basic understanding of how to avoid it. And if it IS the plan, it'll probably be handy to know how it works, too. @ the people saying that it's possible to have sex on your period, some prefer not to, it's a preference rather than a poor understanding of Biology. @ the people asking why she would be embarrassed, women are taught that their bodies are icky, and should function to provide sex for menfolk, so when you're on your period your body is extra icky, and the fact that not having sex is a preference rather than a necessity means there's guilt if you say no. Bitta pop-psychology for you there!
it's possible he grew up in a conservative home with no sisters and a mother with shame -_-
I don't know how it is in America, or other schools even, but at our school when the tampax woman came to talk to us about sex ed, the girls and boys were segregated. But even then there was gossip about what went on in each lesson (cue lots of childish giggling and blushing furiously at the sight of pads/ condoms). But then maybe he went to an all boys school and never took biology/ had no sisters.
what does DAFP stand for ppl?
#68 jeez do i have to spell it out for u. she was calling the op 12 because the op was too embarrassed to admit that she was on her period (&12 yr olds r so immature that they're embarrased of their own periods). duh u dumbass.
#151 u used the word "icky" like 4-yr-old. therefore, your argument is INVALID. now stfu...
#143, There's a fine between being pure and innocent, and lacking knowledge of basic human biology. No 20 year old should need an explanation of what a period is.
#109 totally true i had to learn all this again in anatomy (omg so detailed) and i was like damn but fo real y would u not know wat a period is? At 20? that's messed up, dang middle school kids prolly know this cuz of their parent and siblings...
WTF does she mean nothing can happen
^london, so you ask what secondary school/college he went to
Yeah, I had to do the same with my boyfriend. He's 15 though, I'm 17. I don't know if that's a valid excuse for him not to know though, lol.
hha did you go into detail of what happens, why, why you cramp and how tampons work? =) all my guy friends are very well-educated if you cnt tell.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayComing from the one who can't spell or use full words like "you".
And from someone that used a full stop before an exclamation mark. Twice!
Also, they can't spell apparently or enough.
the STATE school system in Britain is brilliant, don't judge all countries on how shit America is
Hey dickweed, you don't know if that commenter is even from America. Stop being a British stereotype. Suck my American dick.
Born in the USA...
91: nowhere else calse it the public school system. Everywhere outside North America it's called the State school system. OK, I admit, he may be Canadian. something tells me he's not though. or she. fair enough
Oh. No sex while the woman is on her period? Well, it never stopped me...
My boyfriend doesn't mind, I sure don't haha
Probably because you only have sex with 8 year olds
Being gay has nothing to do with knowledge about the menstrual cycle.
Oh. No sex while the woman is on her period? Well, it never stopped me...
you shouldn't feel embarassed for telling him. he should be embarassed for not knowing what a period is.