By justpeachy1989 - 26/05/2016 14:06 - Australia

Today, I finally tested out my new robot vacuum cleaner. My puppy decided she would test it out too by leaving a brown surprise for it to find, which it did. There are now brown marks in every room of the house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 003
You deserved it 1 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For some reason I don't think puppies and robots mix

The Roomba's or puppies? Clarification is desperately needed here.


always wondered if that worked... nope it doesnt

Funnily enough, my mum heard a story just like this before buying our cleaner. I always ensure I'm around when using it, or else I know my pup will do the same! ?

All I can imagine are giant brown streaks zigzagging across the floor in and out each room...