By Anonymous - 15/06/2017 21:00 - Italy

Today, I found out that when my 7 year old daughter invites her friends to eat dinner with us, she charges them 3 euros for the meal and puts it in her piggy bank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 504
You deserved it 568

Top comments

Druu 53

That's ridiculous! Presumably, YOU cooked the meal, so those three euros should go into YOUR piggy bank.

That's one smart child you raised there, OP. Be Proud!


That's one smart child you raised there, OP. Be Proud!

Pure profit because she stiffed the suppliers. Genius! She could become president of a large Western democracy some day.

I wonder what values did the child see in her upbringing. Children are a reflection of their parenting and upbringing.

Druu 53

That's ridiculous! Presumably, YOU cooked the meal, so those three euros should go into YOUR piggy bank.

The daughter did all of the marketing so she should get a cut as well.

Enterprising little stinker. And now that you know about it, you don't have to give her pocket money for every little thing - she's got her own.

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

You can't even be mad at her! She's a true capitalist and entrepreneur. Don't punish her for it for the love of god don't punish her for seeing a demand and supplying it and making money with no expense to her. That kind of thinking will make her a millionaire! All you have to do is educate her that businesses have expenses and get her enrolled in some classes or courses for business.

CupidStunts 12

Your daughter is a very smart young lady.

She's got a mind for business. Teach her about taxes by taking half of it for yourself.