By HobblinGoblin - 18/12/2015 06:34 - United States - Eureka
HobblinGoblin tells us more.
to clarify, she never heard the song. I practiced maybe a half hour a day for about a week, usually at night after she'd gone home.
Top comments
How do you know if it's good music or not if you've never heard it?
Must have slipped your mind that she hadn't even heard the song yet.
I don't wanna pressure her, haha. :p But I love the music puns I'm seeing.
She has such a way with words.
Evidently not polished enough. She's a harsh critic.
Shit man if you took the time to write and work hard on a song for her, and she dumps you, then you can definitely do better.
That's a very valid point
I didn't devote that much time to it. I planned it across maybe a week and practiced on nights we either weren't going to see each other or after she'd go home. /okayillstopwhining
Why is it that if something doesn't go the OP's way (in any relationship on FML) apparently they can 'do better'? How do you know? Maybe the other person is magnificent. Or maybe, they just didn't LIKE OP anymore and wanted to break up. Breaking up with someone doesn't make you worth less than someone else. Automatically saying 'you can do better' is just a dumb assumption
Rebecca, I am with you. I'm not saying I was mistreated, it's just a bummer that it happened? I actually am still friends with her. And no, I'm not related to Gandhi? I am confused.
I think she's talking to 8, I do say FYL for putting in all that work though I'm happy you are so thoughtful of her despite the breakup.
It's not exactly degrading anyone's worth when someone tells someone else they deserve better. It's more of saying that they deserve to find someone who will treat them better or they can do better for themselves.
Even though it's not likely to happen, I really want to see it. I'm sorry though bro.
Time to make a sequel to your song...

Hey, at least you didn't sing it yet! You now have a song for the next girl ;)
Been there, slightly rewrote that song for the next girlfriend, married that girlfriend 27 years ago, still play her that song on occasion, still know the lyrics by heart. It's not the song - it's the girl.