By kayak probs - 30/07/2013 14:13 - United States - Newtown

Today, I finished the kayak I have been working on for four years. I can't get it out of my basement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 401
You deserved it 25 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anyone else thinking of NCIS while reading this? OP should try and disassemble the kayak into parts that can make it out the door then reassemble it, no? (I have no idea whether that would actually work with kayaks though...) Either way, good luck, OP!


reminds me of the story of where a guy built a Lamborghini in his basement. He had to hire a backloader to dig a tunnel to drive it out.

sounds like a half baked idea if you started it in your basement

should of thought of that first. ydi

You had four years to think of that possible problem, how did that never cross your mind?

I'm sure OP will find a way!! It was just a good fml, when he realized this!!!