By LightsOut - 03/05/2011 17:58 - United States

Today, I finished working a 70 hour work week. I'm a lineman for the electric company, and worked extended hours all week getting people's lights back on after a wind storm. When I got home, my power was out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 567
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thanks man. my power finally came back on today after it was out for almost a week. appreciate your work


and thats the definition of irony.... bump bump bump bump

lolwutguy 0

Go straight to bed you must be tired after work.

llamalpaca382 13
joethepro21 0

70 must be your first week. start working 100+ hours on a transmission crew working in two foot snow with a blizzard swirling around you. then you can fyl

boatramp 1

yea but you guys play with dead most the time he plays with that blue dragon

endora914 0

bad karma that all I can say. hope you didn't call out for anyone to come fix it