By LightsOut - 03/05/2011 17:58 - United States

Today, I finished working a 70 hour work week. I'm a lineman for the electric company, and worked extended hours all week getting people's lights back on after a wind storm. When I got home, my power was out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 567
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thanks man. my power finally came back on today after it was out for almost a week. appreciate your work


well we appreciate your help! I'm one of the people from Alabama that was out of power for five days

naha. sucks for you. i'll give you a YDI just because this is hilarious. don't worry- i still love you. ^_^

Ya, I thumbed down your comment. But I still love you though.

s3xymoma 1

not if he has power for a different company.. anyways.. the point is he's tired!

JocelynKaulitz 28
TripleJay26 0
boatramp 1

you work that 70 that he just worked then you get your butt up that wood get to hooking show us how it's done

awardZu 0

That sucks. We just got power back on after nearly four days in the dark. Thanks for busting your ass to get us back in the light, and so sorry you had to go home to no power.

missmaryb 0

Please. You people love the overtime, time and a half at least which is being paid for by the average citizen with outrageous power bills just trying to stay warm. Most people would kill for your job and pay. Stop compaining, or more to the point, shut the **** up.

Jealousy is an ugly thing. He has his job because he put the time and effort into going to school for that trade. It's not like he was just handed the job, so his over time pay is well deserved.

cheeksMcgeeks 3

I guess someone didn't get to work overtime at the Bitch Factory....

guckylynn 19

"Outrageous power bills?" I live in Upper Michigan and my highest power bill was 40 dollars this winter... Oh and I stayed plenty warm too.

MuchDance90s 0

sounds like you're jealous because your chosen career path doesn't pay as well. instead of wasting energy (lol) being jealous why not use it to examine your career or self esteem. Mofo.