By LightsOut - 03/05/2011 17:58 - United States

Today, I finished working a 70 hour work week. I'm a lineman for the electric company, and worked extended hours all week getting people's lights back on after a wind storm. When I got home, my power was out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 567
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thanks man. my power finally came back on today after it was out for almost a week. appreciate your work


awesomeloser14 0

irony it's a bitch sometimes. wait did your power come back on?? because you can't get on this,unless you have power.

awesomeloser14 0

true , but if it was an iPhone he would need wifi. then again he is an linemen......

czonstka 0
boatramp 1

called a smart phone brain dead

joelee1408 0

the 176 ppl that put you deserved it are retarded! how in the hell do you deserve that?

sabrecaz 0

Er... my powers out also. So... I'll give you $4.50 for one. Final offer. Powers out I swear.

bluegreengirl 5

at least you might be able to find the problem? FYL.

rogueprincess69 0

It seems to me like we can't shed any light on your situation!

that's probably my grandpa no joke lol

I'm sorry to hear that it sucks...however I was one of those without power it came back on today one ef4 tornado was 3 mins behind my house and you're work is GREATLY APPRECIATED THANK YOU!!