By LightsOut - 03/05/2011 17:58 - United States

Today, I finished working a 70 hour work week. I'm a lineman for the electric company, and worked extended hours all week getting people's lights back on after a wind storm. When I got home, my power was out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 567
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thanks man. my power finally came back on today after it was out for almost a week. appreciate your work


I'm a lineman also, I hate it when that happens but when it does, I'm right back out the door for more!!

musicXisXlove 4

at least you had a house to sleep in! alotta ppl cant say that today.

:( that does suck... you should call and complain to the light company lol

I am a lineman for the county. And I drive the main road. Searching in the sun for another overload. I hear you singing in the wire. I can hear you thru the whine. And the Wichita Lineman, is still on the line. I know I need a small vacation. But it don't look like rain. And if it snows that stretch down south, won't ever stand the strain. And I need you more than want you. And I want you for all time. And the Wichita Lineman, is still on the line. And I need you more than want you. And I want you for all time. And the Wichita Lineman, is still on the line

patiencek 0

oh the irony of that situation. welp... shimmy your butt up the there and fix your electric!

dave04045 1

Dude your getting paid 30 overtime hours, or 45 regular hours plus the 40 you worked so your getting paid for 85 hours...quit bitching

TheSnakeDoctor20 17

I'm sorry op, it's sucks but light some candles and fix it in the mornin

Zombie65 0

be there done that it does suck then you get here from everyone at home ..... why ..... go fix it

Zombie65 0

ok....get home and get to hear from everyone.......