By ohokay - 24/01/2013 02:59 - United States - Bronx

Today, I found my boyfriend's Facebook page. I also found his wife's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 770
You deserved it 5 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should friend Request her! That will burst his cheating bubble.

Good day it is then! Start the celebrations! You now know him for the ass he is.


You found your facebook page, about time :)

Ase1992 2

I hope u kicked him in the junk!

Arsehole! I feel sorry for you and his wife. I hope this man doesn't have children. That would be an even bigger and sadder mess.

tristanisgay 7

I'm really sorry, OP! No one deserves that! he's such an dick!!

Dump his sorry ass!! Not before letting his wife know you're together, of course.

Nederlander95 14

The real question is, you hadn't seen his Facebook page before you started dating? It's not a prerequisite, but most people see everyone who they know's Facebook