By PetitPrincePerdu - 08/05/2009 00:42 - United States

Today, I found my mother wandering the halls of my fraternity unescorted and asked why she was here, she told me she was concerned when I didn't pick up my phone for two days. She then informed me that she had also moved to the same city I live in. My mother moved over 600 miles to stalk me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 912
You deserved it 5 070

Same thing different taste

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Today, I tried calling my son yet again, and got no response. I've been calling him for days. I'm worried out of my mind and I'm going to move 600 miles to be with him. FML

You couldn't call her back after your hangover ended?


bookworm_x 0

dude, i would KILL my mom if she ever did that. UGH.

Are you an only child? Is she divorced or widowed? Your her world and even if you find it creppy shes still your mom and misses you and worries about you. Talk to her about and tell her that you are in college and need your Independence but you like that shes their for you.

That's why you should always call your mom back promptly.

Imthatgirlthere 0

I can't believe your mom spent the money and the time to move to your city. Talk about "Empty Nest Syndrome". Get the hell out of that town. There's a very good chance she was calling you to tell you she's moved to you. Next time, at least text her back. And have somewhere else to stay.

The people who are complaining about him not answering the phone are getting a little high and mighty. You don't know what his relationship is with her. If she is the kind of person who need to constantly know what's going on, I can DEFINITELY see why he wouldn't pick up his phone on purpose. On other hand, sometimes you can completely forget that you have a phone- especially if it's at the bottom of a bag and there's music on. My mother needed to talk AT LEAST once a day when I left for school, and this was at a low point in our relationship. She called every day to tell me what I was doing wrong, even though she wasn't there to see if any of it was true. She then started to complain that I never call her, and the argument that I didn't have to because she calls me every day didn't seem to make sense to her. I eventually had to give her a special ring tone so that I could know when she called and not have to pick it up EVERY time. People hear the word "mother" and their hearts melt and the suddenly she can do no wrong just because she spat out a baby and decided to keep it.

You're also really busy in college with constant homework, papers and tests.

cxal_fml 0

If you got a job, instead of having your mom pay your tuition, you wouldn't have to worry about things like this happening, Your mom pays your college bills, she has the same right to stalk you she had when she supported you in high school

I love how everyone is using this FML to gripe about their own personal mother issues. And seriously, I think it's better to have a mom who would move 600 miles for you than a cold cruel one who doesn't care at all. At least we know the OP's mom cares and loves him!

#81 who in the hell doesn't pay their own tuition? And #77 learn to English.

rverboom 0

FAKE. obviously a loving mother would tell you if she was moving .. UMM obviously thats a huge commitment