By hunterchik - 29/09/2018 15:30

Today, I found out about my parent's divorce over Facebook from my sister who lives 8 hours away in another province. They made the decision 3 weeks ago. I live with my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 582
You deserved it 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m guessing lack of communication had a hand in the failure of the marriage. Just a hunch.

They did a good job covering it! Probably didn't want to have you in the mix of emotions, keeping you unaware of everything until everything was processed. Its tough. I'm sorry.


They did a good job covering it! Probably didn't want to have you in the mix of emotions, keeping you unaware of everything until everything was processed. Its tough. I'm sorry.

I’m guessing lack of communication had a hand in the failure of the marriage. Just a hunch.

Are you sure this wasn't a part of the hack?

They probably figured it would be easier on you if they had everything sorted out before breaking it down to you. I don’t think they meant any harm but it does suck that you had to learn from your sister.

Maybe they weren't ready to tell you yet. I bet your sister wasn't supposed to tell the world about it on Facebook anyway.

ReallyChillDude 4

Well I think this should be a hint as to what caused the divorce to begin with. With that being, sorry that's rough.