By Username - 02/08/2011 02:46 - United States

Today, I found out how painful it is when your ceiling fan falls on you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 460
You deserved it 3 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's always been a fear of mine. Especially in bed.


NextBigThing5044 0
idontcare8l 3

In solviet russia you dont hit fan, fan hit you!

nygirl9695 0

Yeah that happened to me, my forehead has a little dent now

Well at least when someone asks you how it feels to have a ceiling fan on you, then you can tell them.

I will say it's probably because it was mounted to a regular light fixture box and not a ceiling fan specific reinforced box. Or someone didn't tighten something down enough.

dannylost521 0

Every time I turn my fan on high I worry about this! Ne one else?