By Anonymous - 27/02/2010 12:17 - United States
Top comments
Idiot. FYL.
you fail and you tottally deserved it!!
YDI for not planning more than 15 seconds in advance.
lmfao that's great!! I bet that sucked balls hahahahaha I needed a laugh
ahaha ferris buler.
that's why you bring a key sheesh. and be sure to lock the door when you leave! I never locked the door when I snuck out cause I was afraid my parents would hear the click, so I just left it unlocked, never got caught until the 7th time when my cats woke up my dad wanting out and he went to unlock the door and found it unlocked...not a good day.
@harryman04 how would this be fake? lol
that's why you alway make sure to leave a frist floor window open
Made me lol. Your never gonna be a ninja btw FU.
wrong, it benifited ferris buller, and in high school its how i used 2 get laid
ydi dumbass... and why don't you use the front door with a key? Not like people will see you if you time it right
Well OP might live in a house that shakes when the front door is opened, or at least squeaks really loudly, mine does xP
I agree with 151, most front doors are heavy and make a lot of noise when opened. wether if you live in an apartment or condo or house or whatnot, the sound of the door opening is generally heard all throughout the residence, unless it's freaking huge.
"Mom I wanna go to the party!" "No. You're staying in." *Sneaks out later, goes to party. Returns, doors locked.* "Shit." Actually I think YDI since you had to sneak out to do whatever it may have been you were doing.
your an absolute moron!! wouldn't you check these things before you leave?!? ur either unintelligent or like 8 lol.
YDI for not remembering to leave yourself a way to get back in. this isn't an fml, it's an "I'm an idiot, I'll just draw more attention to my stupidity; more-so to thousands who don't know me than the people that already do."

Idiot. FYL.
am i the only one who noticed that the person is actually a woman but illustrated as a man? (look at the original story)