By Nick - 26/01/2010 21:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out I have a daughter. How did I find out? She added me on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 465
You deserved it 70

Top comments

Wow. That is ****** up - so basically the mum told her daughter you were the father but didn't think to tell you she existed?

wow that's just awful. are you still in contact with the mom? if so then that's just messded up..


udontneedtoknow2 0

This reminds me of a very important point. Remember to have your FB privacy settings as high as they can go. Never know who'll find you if you don't.

daneeyoll 0

how bout a chastity belt those work

This is why condoms were invented next time consider using one before u turn into a man ***** u dumb ****

Use the word "*****" No need to add a man in front of it!

I have no sympathy for you. That's your own fault.