By innuendom - 22/09/2010 06:56 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out I have a job interview coming up. For the job I'm currently doing and have been for the last nine months. My manager told me not to expect too much. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 526
You deserved it 2 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im confused...what do u mean? so ur hvin an interview but for a job u alrdy have???


Sucks for you OP. It's really hard on existing employees when another company takes over. Good luck with your interview!

perdix 29

Just think of it as a high-stakes "all-or-nothing" performance review. Doesn't that relax you? I wish they had the same kind of thing for marriage!

sourgirl101 28

It sounds like it's a one-year-contract job. They only keep you on, if you qualify. Bring your "A" game 'cause it's not looking good.

If you were actually doing the job there'd be no question would there? So really you only think you're doing the job or are just going through the motions because why should you actually do any work right?

Two things I hate with companies. Re-interviewing for your own job, and job ads that won't say what the salary is, but make you tell them how much you expect. Both are ridiculous HR policies.

sourgirl101 28

There's nothing wrong with telling a job what you think you're worth (better than them telling "you" your value) and proving why it's a fair amount. IMO.

The problem is, you either overshoot, and they don't take you because you're too expensive, or you undershoot, and you work for less than you could be earning. I'd rather they just said what the job paid, so I could not waste my time and theirs with an application that's going to get rejected anyway. By way of an analogy, if I was looking to buy a TV, I might expect some negotiation on the final price, but if when I ask the salesman how much it is, if he were to say "Why don't you guess?", I'd just walk out.

"Job interview," means sex. "don't expect much," means he's supplying the condoms. Have fun.

rocky21 0
voveraite 7

nine months? expect? am I the only one who thinks of a pregnancy ? xD