By Anonymous - 11/11/2010 05:48 - United States
Same thing different taste
NYC public transport
By Anonymous - 04/12/2020 17:02 - United States - New York
By fmylifebad - 29/04/2009 10:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/03/2013 14:23 - Taiwan - Taipei
By Anonymous - 26/08/2010 23:41 - United States
By ugly - 10/07/2011 06:03 - United States
By just socially awkward - 16/11/2018 12:00
By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 16:46 - France
By Anonymous - 19/02/2012 11:17 - United States
By Nutty - 24/06/2009 05:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/03/2012 10:53 - United States - Los Angeles
Top comments
I think Ke$ha is smart. She knows publicity is publicity and has made an alter ego for fame and money. Or she's an idiot and is really a drunken party crazed chick. I'd like to think it's the first...
I'm under the impression Ke$ha is option number 2. Anyway, why are you folks commenting about Ke$ha when the original post (#1) doesn't mention anything about her? Start a new thread, people.
I sincerely hope option one is true of all celebrities. Especially Justin Bieber.
that's what you get for trying to hit on a guy while tipsy an not in a bar
lmao fail -Ł
drunk? on the subway?
Stop sexually harassing innocent strangers on public transport and this won't happen anymore.
I wouldn't say that is sexual harassment...
How embarrassing! .. for you. Flirting fail.
ydi for being a drunk and loose ho!!!! your an embarrassment to females. why don't you get some class!!!!! and HO HO HO and a merry Christmas to u!!!
You're* Why* And* you* I think you are the embarressment. Considering all the girl did was try to flirt with someone, your judgement is incredibly off. You have to sleep around to be a ho/*****. On another note, any girl who calls another girl a ho for having this small amount of sexyual independence is themselves reinforcing gender roles. You are the embarressment.
sexual* Sorry for my typo there
I could have rooted for on this #25, but you took it too far with the reinforcing gender roles garb.
go 25! only men can be hoes. of they're not, they wish they were.
32 - It's "ho". A "hoe" is a gardening tool...
Citrus, I agree that this doesn't make OP a ho. That said, however, what she did wasn't acceptable for that time and place. Switch the roles here; say she had been the sober passenger and a "tipsy" guy had sat next to her on the bus and tried to chat her up. Do you think she'd have happily gone along? Considered it innocent flirting, or a display of his sexual independence? Probably not, because it's unwanted attention in a semi-closed environment. She wasn't in a bar, where people know and accept that they might be hit on. Equality doesn't mean that girls get a free pass for doing what would be considered creepy or sleazy for a guy.
Subway* not bus, but whatevs. My point still stands.
Irish doe your annoying
Know what is actually annoying? The increasing inability to differentiate between "your" and "you're".
lol citrus girl I think u need to get laid or something! just chill no need to get all hyped up cause someone isn't correctly spelling everything!! it's the way it is mate. lol funny chik
oh and #82 if it's increasingly difficult maybe you need to go bak to skool or maybe just get laid to!
he sounds like fun lol

you say tipsy he saw stinking drunk.
Stop sexually harassing innocent strangers on public transport and this won't happen anymore.