By Optimist - 04/08/2009 08:26 - Canada

Today, I found out I have an option on my phone to postpone the sending of my text messages. I thought it would be cute to send my boyfriend texts saying, "I love you and sweet dreams" every night at midnight for a month. He broke up with me and now I can't figure out how to stop the texts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 838
You deserved it 25 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sheagstaz 0

It's FHL because when he brings home another girl it will look like he is cheating. OP you are a genius

I would've broken up with you BECAUSE of that crap idea.


Unregistered 0
evlbb2 2

Hmm. Personally I think its just stupid. I mean really there's just no point in receiving the same automated message every night at midnight. [I'll pretend thats when he normally goes to sleep?] I mean I would really much rather have her CALL and tell me good night and stuff instead of the same auto message over and over again. It would sorta feel like shes not even bothering ya know? Edit: Yes, slag ftw.

Maddoctor 10

Oh yes Unregistered, because many adults totally don't have sex within the first few weeks/months of dating each other. Love is not an age thing, it's a people thing, you cynic.

Yeah, sweet dreams that get ******* interrupted every night at midnight...

Are the texts not in your outbox where you can delete them before they're sent? Read your phone's manual, I bet there's a way to turn them off.

Unregistered 0

how do teenagers know what love is. . . . . love has been tossed around so much on tv its completely lost its meaning I mean you cant just say "i love you" in the first few weeks anybody that says i love you is obviously clingy and needs to get some friends

9k5 0

Maybe because of the timing. Why would he be up every night at midnight?

ellehcor 0

When I broke up with my ex I programmed his phone to send him a reminder every night. It simply said "you suck". I guarantee he never figured out how to fix it himself. And no, I don't feel bad about it considering he was sitting in jail on domestic violence charges at the time.