By Optimist - 04/08/2009 08:26 - Canada

Today, I found out I have an option on my phone to postpone the sending of my text messages. I thought it would be cute to send my boyfriend texts saying, "I love you and sweet dreams" every night at midnight for a month. He broke up with me and now I can't figure out how to stop the texts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 838
You deserved it 25 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sheagstaz 0

It's FHL because when he brings home another girl it will look like he is cheating. OP you are a genius

I would've broken up with you BECAUSE of that crap idea.


tangerine_12 0

why is everybody bashing her? so she wanted to do nice something nice for her boyfriend. oh my god!! call the police! my god, you people must have nothing better to do than criticize this girl for trying to be nice to her boyfriend.

Sorry, OP, that sounds more clingy and annoying than cute. Ever wonder why he broke up with you?

towell777 0

SHE DID IT AT 12 AM DIPSHIT! How would you like to wake up every night at midnight to see the same AUTOMATED text everyday for a month!

Yeah, to everyone going on about it waking him, not everyone has a pre-midnight bedtime their mummy and daddys make them stick to.

#88 - And then again, some people just like getting a normal amount of sleep, and waking up feeling well-rested in the morning so they can be on time to work and class.

Yeah, and some people don't need as much sleep or start work later. Pretty stupid to assume everyone is just like you.

BigSky 5

I turned on automated alerts to remind myself of something every day. After 3 days I had to put an end to it. If I annoyed myself, I can only imagine how bothersome it must be to him for so long. Lesson learned. Stop the insanity.

It was prolly cute in the beginning but after a few days of it, it will get annoying and he prolly resented it after a while.

He probably broke up with you because your damned text kept waking him up at midnight.

Random 25... But halarious that 69 is so horrified, yet they are #69... hehehe

sofad15 0

I am a girl, and it would annoy ME to get the same message every time. So it's not only guys who would be annoyed by texts. OP tried to look sweet, but it shows her laziness and lack of imagination.

julia214 0

some guys DO like that stuff. my boyfriend and i send texts to say goodmorning and goodnight everyday. OP, i think it's sweet.