By Grad2010 - 18/11/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I found out I will not be getting my class ring. The jeweler has a policy against doing engravings that contain "obscene or offensive language or phrases". What obscene phrase did I want? My initials and year. W.T.F. 2010. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 944
You deserved it 3 155

Same thing different taste


simlpyh 0

haha just show your license or something to show them that is your initials. they have to get you your ring.

Cierra657 0

Its okay my friends initials are B.S and she got in trouble because we had to sign are initials.

Hahaha!! That's, my initials too...I've had the same problem! My grandma even tried to have a purse embroidered for me for Christmas, the store broke the news that her granddaughter had an obscene name...she will never be the same lol.

Your initials are W.T.F. because that's what your mom said when you were born!

BreakingBen 0

parent's naming abilities fail

imneverhigh8p 0

umm dumbass just put w.f. 2010 god

umm dumbass what if he has a double-barreled last name? god.

KataraTheBender 0

do they get that it's your name?