By Grad2010 - 18/11/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I found out I will not be getting my class ring. The jeweler has a policy against doing engravings that contain "obscene or offensive language or phrases". What obscene phrase did I want? My initials and year. W.T.F. 2010. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 944
You deserved it 3 155

Same thing different taste


I find it hard that a company that engraves class rings has NEVER come across this before. How did they not see your name on the order form??

nood_fml 0

awww mine are boring m.r.e or just m.e.

SUE THEIR ASSES! they have to have your personal info on file... i have lawyer friends so i go straight to the legal shit! its fun to watch people sweat when you hand them papers! LOVE IT!

ryguy997 0

I know a B.S. HE gets made fun of a lot.

lonely3mo 0

I have a friend who's initials are A.S.S. no joke

NickK49 0

My friends initials are F.A.G. I think he hates his parents.... with good reason

Hahahaha that's hilarious and that sucks for you

Just Get W.F on your ring, and ydi for not telling the jeweler that your Initials Spell WTF.