By Grad2010 - 18/11/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I found out I will not be getting my class ring. The jeweler has a policy against doing engravings that contain "obscene or offensive language or phrases". What obscene phrase did I want? My initials and year. W.T.F. 2010. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 944
You deserved it 3 155

Same thing different taste


Well look on the bright side, at least you're name isn't Andy Stanford Smith. That would be the worst initials ever. :/

So your first name starts with W and your last name starts with F... Why was I briefly reminded of Will Farrell?

wolfshadow 4

Ahh, your initials backwards are FTW. That's even more awesome!

doglover100 28

My brother's initals would've spelled A.S.S. if my parents didn't change is middle name. I know someone with the initals M.O.P.

Sammitheshit 10

Just think, "W.T.F" isn't that bad. Ones like; S.E.X. Or B.J.S. or some other ridiculous initials stink. Your initials are awesome ..

And I though my having the initials TNT was odd