Can't win

By Jobless - 12/03/2009 09:01 - Malaysia

Today, my boss wanted to promote me to a managerial position. I declined the position, saying that I don't think I'm ready and experienced enough for that role. I was then fired instead for not accepting the promotion. I was fired for being honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 728
You deserved it 26 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would anyone in their right mind deny themselves a promotion? You doughnut.

UltimateIdiot911 0

You deserved it. You weren't fired for being honest, you were fired because you fail to take charge. If you didn't feel ready you should have accepted it and ask for training. Obviously your former boss asked you because he feels you are ready, so what you did is a slap in his face.


Why would anyone in their right mind deny themselves a promotion? You doughnut.

Perhaps because you know you aren't experienced enough for the role and will end up doing a terrible job of it? IMO, what OP did was admirably honest.

UltimateIdiot911 0

You deserved it. You weren't fired for being honest, you were fired because you fail to take charge. If you didn't feel ready you should have accepted it and ask for training. Obviously your former boss asked you because he feels you are ready, so what you did is a slap in his face.

I personally think that his job just had free pancakes on Fridays and he didn't want to leave them alone with his monster coworkers

IMO, you have every right to refuse a promotion if you think you aren't experienced enough and will end up doing a terrible job of it. It's better to do that than accept it, and then not be able to handle it and screw things up for you and your coworkers. I think OP was admirably honest and responsible to turn down the promotion.

#2 is dead on. Never, ever refuse a promotion. Remember, there is always a learning curve.

I don't think you should ALWAYS accept a promotion. Someone may not be comfortable with the job given to them or even have the time to take the position. There are many reasons for not wanting a promotion and you shouldn't be fired for declining. What does firing someone who doesn't want a promotion do? Now you have to find two people instead of one. I hate being in a role of leadership and would refuse a manager position everytime.

I agree 100%. It's better to turn down the position that accept it and do a half-arsed job, as well as mess things up for both you and possibly your coworkers if it's a managerial position.

Actually, depending on the job, some managerial positions are very stressful. Some people do not want to be stressed out all the time. AND, sometimes you do know what you can and cannot do. Taking a position and asking for training means you could not do it/you are not confident in yourself. props to OP, and gl finding a new job. XD

I agree with the boss... Think about it, would you want someone who displays no self-confidence whatsoever working under you? Number 5, I'm interested to find out what sort of careers/jobs are remotely successful without involving a fair amount of leadership skills...

If I was the boss, I would like my employes to admit if they are not ready for a promotion. It would save trouble and self awareness of their abilities more than lack of self confidence. Bosses see what they want, but I think OP shouldn't have been fired. Besides oposite to what some people are stating not all jobs offer training when we are to assume a new position. Therefor and if this is the case, OP probably did the right thing for the companie and the boss was a major ass. I'm not even sure if it's legal to fire under these circunstancies...

It would save me trouble and show* (...) Therefore* company* circunstances* sorry... I hate to make this kind of mistakes -.-

#7- He didn't display a complete lack of self-confidence. He merely stated that he didn't have enough experience for that particular role. And obviously he displayed something the boss liked if he was offered a promotion. There are plenty of jobs that don't require leadership skills, too many to list.

Agreed again. In fact, I'd say it takes a fair amount of confidence to actually refuse a promotion rather than meekly comply.

I agree with #2. Your boss would only promote you if he feels that you are competent enough, right?

No culture of non-promotion... You almost HAVE to agree to be promoted, the general consensus seems to be "Who in their right mind wouldn't", but if you just want to chug along - too bad.

....Agreed with #1 and 2. Don't Decline the promotion, if you think you're really unready, just ask for training, I'm sure your boss would be more than happy to provide you with the training. Being in a managerial position opens up a lot of possibilities. Honestly, some people are begging for promotions sometimes. You weren't fired for being honest, you were fired being being incompetent. If you don't how to do the job, take the job, then learn it quickly. Your lack of motivation rally insults me. You have no sympathy from me.