By tinaburrito - 26/01/2010 21:33 - France
Same thing different taste
Bunch of bankers, the lot of them
By Alyce - 06/11/2020 02:08 - United States - Lewistown
By witt75 - 23/02/2011 18:53 - United States
Bunch of bankers
By WTF - 30/10/2009 10:11 - United States
By Celina - 12/01/2009 09:55 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/09/2015 01:21 - Canada
Scammers scamming
By Anonymous - 30/04/2021 07:49
By armenta427 - 07/10/2009 04:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/09/2018 05:00
Overdraft blues
By Anonymous - 16/04/2022 18:00
By Gee - 16/06/2017 02:00
Top comments
what do you mean didn't you know when you cashed it? they usually check it and they would of told you. or if it was suppose to be direct deposit then you should of checked when you were to suppose to get paid. you probably wrote hot check because you were expecting it. if you do that you should be prepared of what could happen if there was a mistake or at least take some responsability.
YDI for not keeping some sort of emergency cash on hand for if something like this happens, you lose your card, go somewhere that only takes cash etc...
You do know mail comes in every month showing you your bank account, right? YDI for not paying attention to it!
My bank doesn't do that anymore. I don't know why, but they just stopped sending me statements in the mail.
****! this sucks for u
I was going to say YDI for not having savings, then I realised America as a whole is drowning in debt. Actually, it's still a YDI.
It is a sad state of affairs. For a very long time congress has burnt through money it doesn't have at an astronomical rate. A regular person couldn't possibly do that without facing serious consequences. It is now a matter of when the economy will force someone to atone for this fiscal insanity. I hope to be long dead and beyond the reach of the government when that happens.
why do you " hope to be long dead" wouldn't being dead for like an hour be just as good? can they bill if you've only been dead for a short while. where do you live and why does your government have awsum voodoo magic?
sammmmmmmm... you're wrong when you say that "a regular person couldn't possibly do that without facing serious consequences". America's GDP, which is like its annual "income", is about $15 trillion. It's current national debt is slightly less than that, around $13 trillion. This means America owes slightly less than what it makes in a year. Most individual Americans, if you include a mortgage they carry on their home, have debt that exceeds their annual income. This is not a bad thing, in either case, as long as it's handled responsibly. And FYI... several European countries and Japan have national debts that are much higher, as a percentage of their GDP, than that of America. People who worry about our national debt don't really understand the situation. They're the same people who think savings accounts are a good idea.
Ummm, a savings account isn't a bad idea. It is good place to keep money safe and liquid. It is backed by the FDIC and you can withdraw and spend it any time you want to. Is there a better type of account that has those primary goals?
I'm... flabbergasted.
I've been having problems at my bank too. they all ******* suck
does your bank not have online banking? jfc-any bank that charges a return check fee to the depositor deserves its moron clientelle and should fleece them for everything they can.
Most banks will charge you a fee if you deposit a bad check.
FYL for working at some sub-par place. I've heard storied about people badgering their employers about paying them. They keep on stalling because they don't have enough money to pay people. I hope your employer can actually pay you. FYL for having to put up with all of that. Next time be sure to check your bank account, like everyone else said.

You don't have 8 bucks in cash?
do you bank with chase? because they're a load of bullshit. I hate those assholes. but, that sucking sucks. also, you don't have online statements? cause if you did you could just print them out from home...