By SpikeStanley - 20/10/2011 06:56 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend has been "single" on numerous occasions during our 9 month relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 051
You deserved it 3 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vasin_fml 15

Now he can be single until the next girl he's going to cheat on comes along. I mean, you DID dump him, right?


perdix 29

If he's hot enough to cheat, he's hot enough to keep. Would you rather have a hot guy most of the time, or a loser all of the time?

"the loser" would probably treat her better anyway.

perdix 29

Oh, there's no doubt the loser would treat her better. That's the trade-off. The loser would treat her like a queen, but she's not going to get a "lady boner" looking at him. If she's expecting thrills, she's got to realize he has that effect on other women and he's gonna give in to that. The best thing is to fall for an oddball that few other women go for.

SkardeyKat 3

66 you are so right my ideal man is a loser oddball that will treat me good and be nice and loyal. Plus the oddballs have a better sense of humor.

you are seriously an idiot. if girls aren't looking for someone to be loyal they wouldn't be looking for a relationship. a guy doesn't have to be extremely attractive for you to be able to love them, sexually or emotionally. the emotional attatchment alone can turn on a girl. k thnx.

dswomi 12

I believe that if this was the ideal man for every woman, it would solve a lot of life's issues

malincake 7

Your next conversation should start like this "the next time your in a relationship..." I'm sure you can fill the rest!

denbeste 3

Does anyone speak "Dumb"? Translate please.

This kind of thing makes me so mad. If your going to cheat, then please just end the relationship because if someones willing to cheat, they obviously don't care about the person their dating or the relationship all together.

SkardeyKat 3

Why date someone if you are going to cheat and be "single"? Why not just be legitimately single? Seems much more simple than sneaking around. I hope you dumped him.

cherrypie22 6

So what some guy cheated. Happens all the time. It's no big deal.