By - Moved Across the Country - 06/08/2011 06:05 - United States

Today, I found out my ex is applying for a job at my current company. She may become my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 602
You deserved it 3 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments


skulskinator 5

Well their goes that fantasy of f*cking your boss

thatdesertdude 7

now if you had only spelled it correctly......

marylene_fml 0

I hope she doesn't have any reason to ruin your life

Just try to stay on her good side. If she doesn't think you did something terrible she might just be mature about it and act professional.

because its really cool for an ex to be your boss?

If you're scared or something about your ex may becoming your boss, you must've done something wrong to her.

I love how you turned it around to blame the guy. She may be a total bitch, the reason he may have broke up with her, or maybe she is a stalker. Either way it will be awkward so FYL op.