By - Moved Across the Country - 06/08/2011 06:05 - United States

Today, I found out my ex is applying for a job at my current company. She may become my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 602
You deserved it 3 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments


hopelessxdesign 5

I would start looking for a new job;(

Th3Fr3shPrinc3 1

u that would make a great tv show

SpeechQween94 14

And I thouht I had it bad with my jackass ex being stuck with him for three more years of one-act plays and speech tournaments

kill her and burn her and spill her ashes into the volcano. NO EVIDENCE LEFT =D Only joking YOU ARE SCREWED

Well seeing that you work there it would be a conflict of interest and you should notify the interviewer of the situation. They can't fire you for her and they will subsequently conveniently choose another candidate. Easy fix, duh!!!

Idk what ended it, but ydi, for being a scared whiny little bitch about the situation.