By Anonymous - 20/07/2010 16:29 - United States

Today, I found out my parents are getting divorced. They're fighting over the dog instead of my sister and me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 931
You deserved it 3 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, maybe they already decided who gets who, and now it's down to the dog?

I hear you on that one...My parents are getting a divorce and are acting ridiculous.


hey 14 maybe you shoud shut the **** up, im pretty sure you dont know how it feels

chichitahirih 0

*** ur self 14 why would she or better yet how can she suck it up u doutch bag, u dont know how it feels

My parents got divorced, I didn't see it hard at all. It's not like I never see either of them. It never really made an impact on me.

OP, you're an idiot if you want your parents to fight over you. It isn't fun.

dog - $100 a month you two - $3-400 a month! hmmm

Because they can make their own decision on the dog, but normally the court decides who remains in the custody of whom. Sorry your parents are splitting, OP. It's not that bad if at least one of your stepparents is cool (even if the other one is retarded.).Of course, your parents might not remarry, which is equally cool. I've found that a single parent delivers fewer groundings than a couple. Good luck!

fighting over 1 bitch is easier than 3. but sorry. l like girls from divorced families. they put out alot more. plus the moms always let you come over and spend the night with the daughters. they like having a man in the house. even if hes 15.

xdanifyx 0

aww fyl :[ is it at least a cute dog?

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

59- It's a animation. look at the necklaces if the face part wasn't clear enough for you. (Not saying that in a rude way!)