By 14YearOld - 25/11/2011 17:17 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out my parents have a list of everything I have ever Googled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 899
You deserved it 7 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh god. Next time, remember to clear your history. Some people look up crazy shit.


scoop15928 4

That happened to my sister. I found a variety of searches, ranging all the way from "twilight ****" to "homemade sex toys" to "Best places to dump a dead body". Always clear your history kids.

That "happened" to your sister eh? From the sounds of it your the one who "did" it

ILpalmtree 0

Screw twilight.. So whod ur sis kill??

Maybe she was researching a book. You could get away with a fair bit with that excuse, not everything, but a fair bit.

bkkingkeokuk 1

Tell them they would have to be foolish to think u havnt looked at **** and walk away

I feel like everyone has googled something embarrassing at some point or another.

KiddNYC1O 20

1- **** 2- **** 3- " 4- " 5- " "

You won't find good **** if you just google ****. You have to be specific.

Google chrome has something called "incognito" where it opens a window that doesnt save anything in your history.

Yes but google itself saves you search history.

champjb 0

Yall r all sayin its something bad! Wat i its just all "how to make good cupcakes"

If the OP's searches were only about cupcake making, this wouldn't be an FML.