By 14YearOld - 25/11/2011 17:17 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out my parents have a list of everything I have ever Googled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 899
You deserved it 7 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh god. Next time, remember to clear your history. Some people look up crazy shit.


Ouch. My history would get me landed in therapy.

linkinpark98 23

Who knows? Maybe he's been a good boy, and has nothing to hide.... Lol JK. FYL. That shit sucks.

Oh SHIT!!! is what i would be thinking...that would just be extremely awkward. i'm sorry that really sucks!

Mother of god... Im glad my parents are technologically illiterate.

WadeWilson_fml 6

Indeed, it's called 'search history'! Learn to cover your tracks!

You should Google "Parents' trusting issues"