By Bad Mother - 08/10/2015 11:53 - United Arab Emirates - Dubai

Today, I found out my son told his teachers that I make his brother Tom sleep on the floor, make him stay out of the house for long periods of time, and don't let him use the toilet. Tom is actually our cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 015
You deserved it 1 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have a cat named Tom? How do you deal with the senseless violence gong on 24/7 between your cat and Jerry the mouse?


christinamarie17 29

I'm sure that was an awkward conversation to have OP but at least your son likes your cat enough to refer to Tom as his brother.

juturnaamo 29

This should serve as a good warning to me. We call the puppy our daughter's brother because they're about the same age.

My entire family has always done this, and nothing like that's ever happened to any of us as far as I know. I mean, I guess it depends on the age of the kid, but I distinctly remember my mom referring to me as "Sissy" to our dogs, and I was perfectly aware that they weren't my siblings.

20 maybe they were making fun of you and calling you a sissy instead.

That's why we've never given our pets a person's name....

Reminds me of the Fat old lady punishing Tom coz he didn't catch Jerry ! ?

wordygirl 11

This is hysterical!! I've said countless times to my son to be nice to his sister. He is now 15 yrs old and the cat is 13. Her name is Donna lol!!! Your son is one funny kid!!

Details are important and this one is key

You wanted kids and some fond memories when you're old. Now you got both. Congrats.

I'm going to assume your son is young. Just explain to the teacher that Tom is a cat and everything will be fine. I would talk to your son though. Also you should be great full that the teacher checked up on Tom even though he is a cat. If your kid is a teenage ground his ass. He should know better.