By mystery - 17/06/2012 02:08 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I found out my wife is pregnant. She hadn't even called me; I saw the news on my Facebook news feed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 729
You deserved it 2 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's sad that technology has become this interfering with our lives.

mhud4911 0

if she didnt tell you, are you sure you're the father?


Pahaha now thats what i call love..... For facebook.!!

PInK_ExCiTeD 7

Yeah...OP your wife was victim of "tell what's on your mind" question, -.- either way congrats for the baby :)

sorry but it might not be yours then.

Rocky007 15

Better get a DNA test to make sure it is yours!

oh ffs, all these people saying that it isnt op's need to grow up! do you people really think if the woman slept with someone else she'd put it on facebook?? OP, your wife needs to sort out her priorities if she thinks posting on fb is more important than calling the father. or maybe it was an elaborate frape...

I see an appearance on "Maury", in your future!