By Anonymous - 13/08/2009 23:29 - Canada

Today, I found out that 15 years ago my father threw out my college acceptance letters so that I could stay home and take over the family's funeral home business. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 802
You deserved it 3 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can't believe how selfish some parents are. FYL.

That's effed up... That is one morbid job FYL


Don't CRASH the business. SELL the business. If it's even remotely successful you should get a decent amount for it. Use the money to go to college or do whatever else with your life.

Crimson_Rae 0

I am going to college to be a Mortician/Funeral Director. I'll take your job in a heart beat!

well it's sort of a good thing he is, without being one OP wouldn't be here :P

wow. I would never talk to my dad if that happened

That sucks OP, I would be so mad. I'd disown my dad if he did that to me. On the plus side, the funeral career will never go out of business!

Lucina122 0

That is "****** up" u should just go to college now and say **** you