By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 17:24 - United States

Today, I found out that after reuniting with an old boyfriend, getting close with his two year old son, and moving closer to him to properly be a part of their lives, he got back together with his ex wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 407
You deserved it 6 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that does suck, but if you care for his kid then just think that its better for the kid that his parents are together. And didn't you kind of see it coming? How long were they apart for?


xoconnie 8

^^^^^ OMFG I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING! lol so weird. but i agree, like u have a hot body but why not show ur face?maybe u have an ugly face???ahhhhhh!!!!

haha my thoughts exactly I just didn't wanna come out and say them hahaha

lol @ 61. :) but that really sucks for the OP in my opinion.

charlieskiki 0

Damn dudes (and especially ex wives) suck!!!!

You should be happy that you have been able to reunite a family instead of breaking it further... :)

those of you who grew up in a home where mo your mom and dad did not get along would never say getting back together with the mom is the best thing for the kid. my dad came back to my mom many times becuase she asked him to and he wanted to be with his kids and let me tell you we were all miserable because my mom was a bitch and used us kids against him... so no she isnt selfish and it is not always the best thing. How is wanting to be happy for this girl selfishness. maybe its selfish for the guy to have given her that much hope in the relationship that he allowed her to think it was ok to move closer and get close to his son. thats just frickin mean.

It's always good to see a family get back together

Sorry to hear that OP. Maybe you can try to move back?

You reunited with an ex, who reunited with a different ex? Sounds like this guy has a thing for exes.