By Unemployed - 17/09/2015 07:14

Today, I found out that after three years of telling my boss our strategy wasn't going to work, that I was right - it didn't work. I also found out that because it didn't work, I lost my job. My boss still has his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 800
You deserved it 1 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good riddance. Find a company that appreciates your input. Also, maybe try telling the upper management of the company next time. Good luck!


AlittleSanity 11

We need more information. It is possible OP stated he was against the strategy and did not do his best to work through the situation. Sorry OP but if a strategy isn't the best and you disagree, if you do not commit to doing your best, even if you are right you will be seen as the problem for not being more helpful to their strategy. Again, this may not be the case and we still would need more information, but this is just some food for thought.

Now you can find a better job. You are free from your dipstick ex boss too!

saffy66 34

That's the way it is. Those who should be held responsible, never actually are. It's basic physics - the law of gravity. Shit comes from the top, and falls on those underneath.

Just do what Nick, Kurt, and Dale did and kill that asshole!

If you felt the strategy was wrong, you had three years to get out. Isn't it hard to put your best effort into something you think will fail? Also, I'm not saying it was right, but your boss has had three years of you nagging. You should have got yourself out instead of waiting for the crash. Good luck for the future

You should have spent part of those three years collecting evidence - perhaps getting stuff on file that attempts to mitigate your boss's clusterfuck without undermining him.

Why didn't you try to make it work? Saying it won't work is no excuse to do your job.