By everysingleone - 16/01/2015 03:43 - United States

Today, I found out that every single picture that I have ever sent to my boyfriend, his father has also received. Every. Single. One. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 704
You deserved it 29 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that's highly creepy and your boyfriend should have told you about that. If your boyfriend didn't know, I'd still be very uncomfortable around his dad.


ForeverJasmine 26

That would be awkward if you sent some risky photos..

Why so many you deserved it? Do people not know what it's like to be a teenager? They act like they've never done anything risky, and I'm sure you've all done far worse than this. I'm sorry OP, that must be really awkward for you. I think it's time you use kik instead of text, the father can ask the text company to get whatever you send your boyfriend onto his phone but you can't do that with kik :) unless the problem is your boyfriend showing him the pictures, in that case you need a new boyfriend :/

Really hoping you are over 17. The level of creepiness just went up exponentially if you aren't.

Haha.. U will never look at each other the same :)

Talk about a weird "family plan". You and your boyfriend really need to talk about his crazy father.

If OP is underage, both her bf and her bf's dad will be labeled as a registered sex offender. The dad will be in bigger trouble than his son. If OP is not underage, then she could have the dad charged for stalking

Made my heart drop! if that happened if think if die!!

Wow! That is very disturbing and creepy! O.o